VILLAGE OF WOODMERE  NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF MEETINGS  NOTICE is hereby given that the following meetings and hearing to consider the  February 22, 2022 Petition of 3641 Brainard, LLC, 3648 Avondale LLC, and 3653 Brainard  LLC requesting an Amendment of the Woodmere Village Zoning Ordinances to add Chapter  1151, U-2A Planned Residential District, which is […]

Mayor Benjamin Holbert, III

Beginning January 2022, Benjamin Holbert started the second term as mayor of Woodmere Village. Prior to becoming the community’s chief executive officer, he served on village council and as its president for five years. He is a member of the Cleveland Leadership Center’s Class of 2020. The program brings senior-level leaders from the nonprofit, corporate, civic, private, and public […]

Woodmere Village Swearing-in Ceremony

Updated 2/10/22  We invite you to witness the historic event of the Woodmere Village swearing-in ceremony for the Charter Review Commissioners, Council Members, and Mayor.  Processional took place at 1:50 PM on January 4, 2022. View images from the event here.

St. Augustus Food Drive

We are accepting donations of nonperishable foods for St. Augustus.  The deadline for donations is December 16th. 

October is Fire Safety Month

Check out these links for fire safety month: Teacher’s Guide: Fire Safety (PreK to Grade 2) ( Teacher’s Guide: Fire Safety (Grades 3 to 5) ( Teacher’s Guide: Fire Safety (Grades 6 to 8) ( Fire Safety for Kids | American Red Cross


Woodmere Village Ohio

ELECTION NOTICE VILLAGE OF WOODMERE PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT NOTICE is given that pursuant to Ordinance No.: 2021-47, adopted by the Council of the Village of Woodmere, Ohio, on August 24, 2021, the following proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the Village, at the general election to be […]

Mayor Holbert Remembers 911

Hello, my name is Ben Hobert and I serve as the Mayor of the Village of Woodmere. This is my Assistant Daphne Evans and we work together. On 9/11 of 2001, it was a very difficult day. I was serving as a general manager of a cable television station and l noticed on the television […]

Open Eateries and Essential Establishments

Woodmere Residents, neighbors, and friends, During the coronavirus outbreak, many restaurants and companies are having to adjust the way they do business.  We are pleased to say that many stores you frequently patronize continue to operate during COVID 19. The Village has compiled a list of eateries and essential establishments that remain open to serve […]


March 9, 2020   Dear Friend & Neighbor,   Friday, March 6, 2020, I participated in a conference call hosted by the Cuyahoga County Health Department and a representative for the Centers of Disease Control. Mayors from throughout Greater Cleveland were briefed on Coronavirus/COVID-19.      As of today, March 8, 2020, there have been zero […]