NOTICE is given that pursuant to Ordinance No.: 2021-47, adopted by the Council of the Village of Woodmere, Ohio, on August 24, 2021, the following proposed Charter Amendment shall be submitted to a vote of the qualified electors of the Village, at the general election to be held on Tuesday, the 2nd day of November, 2021, as prescribed by general law, and shall appear as the following Issue 66.

The full text of the Charter provision if it is amended by the passage of said Issue will read as follows. (Proposed additions are underlined and proposed deletions struck through with a line.)

ISSUE 66 – Shall Article V, Section V-3 of the Village of Woodmere Charter be amended in order to eliminate the requirement that the Clerk of Council be elected and to add the requirement that Council shall appoint and employ a Clerk of Council?

SECTION V-3. Clerk of Council.

   (A)    Council shall appoint and employ a Clerk of Council and such persons as it deems necessary for the proper discharge of its duties.  The Clerk and such necessary persons shall serve at the pleasure of Council. Term.  The Clerk of Council shall be elected at the November 2, 1993 regular election for a term beginning January 1, 1994 through December 31, 1997, subsequently the Clerk of Council shall be elected at the regular Municipal election in November every fourth year thereafter.

   (B)    Qualifications.  The Clerk of Council shall have been a resident and qualified elector of the Municipality for at least two (2) continuous years prior to election and shall continue to be a resident of the Municipality throughout the term of office. The Clerk of Council shall not hold any other elected public office. If the Clerk of Council shall cease to possess any of the qualifications herein enumerated, the office shall be forfeited, but failure to maintain said qualifications shall not render void or ineffective any action in which the Clerk of Council has participated.

   (C)    Removal.  Council may remove the Clerk of Council for the same reasons and by the same procedures provided in Article IV, Section 9 , of this Charter, for removal of the Mayor.

   (D)    Vacancy.  A vacancy in the office of Clerk of Council shall be filled by Council for the unexpired term. If the Clerk of Council fails to qualify for office, a vacancy shall be deemed to exist and shall be filled in accordance with this section.

   (E) (B)    Duties.  The Clerk of Council shall attend all meetings of Council and keep a record of its proceedings and of all rules, by-laws, resolutions and ordinances passed or adopted which shall be subject to the inspection of all interested persons. The Clerk of Council shall perform all other duties prescribed by Council. During the absence or disability of the Clerk of Council, the Council shall appoint a clerk pro tempore to perform all duties of the office.

By: Frank Consolo, Law Director, Village of Woodmere

Advertised CVT October 7, 2021; October 14, 2021

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