Commemorating the historic “1967 Cleveland Summit”

Historical event in 1967 called Cleveland Summit, which was known as the Muhammad Ali summit. This summit was held on Sunday June 04, 1967, by some of our world leading Black Athletes and one history making politician, who will become the first black mayor of a major city(Cleveland). They met in Cleveland in response to Ali’s decision not to serve in the Vietnam War.

Walter Beach in the middle was one of the original attendees,

Alex Stokes was representing her family, Carl B. Stokes.


Walter Beach, Chief Mason, Alex Stokes

Commemorate marker of the 1967 Cleveland Summit, at E. 105 and Euclid Ave. the original site is now the Cleveland Cancer Society.

NOBLE members attending

Chief Sheila Mason, Lt. Michquel Penn and Daphne Evans


On Sunday June 04, 1967 the Cleveland Summit (known as the Muhammad Ali Summit) front roll:
Bill Russell, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Lew Alcindor; back roll:
Carl Stokes, Walter Beach, Bobby Mitchell, Sid Williams, Curtis McClinton, Willie Davis, Jim Shorter, and John Wooten
This Historical  photo was taken in Cleveland, Ohio 1967.

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